Post by Ovinomancer on Dec 16, 2020 6:06:44 GMT
The title is the message.
Post by evileeyore on Dec 16, 2020 16:40:35 GMT
It is. And this is the 'book' where my boy Amos really starts to shine. Though the show has done hims justice since jump, so+1 for the show.
I'll probably hold off until next week to watch it as I have too many days off next week and nothing important to do in them. It's like Santa brought this present just for me...
Post by evileeyore on Dec 17, 2020 1:12:45 GMT
Ah, bloody hell. They only released 3 episodes, the rest are going to be one a week. On one hand I want to save them up and binge them all at once, on the other I know my group will be wanting to talk about them (those dirty bastards) so I best just watch them now.
Post by evileeyore on Feb 6, 2021 17:19:20 GMT
Season just wrapped, it was good.
Did anyone else a) watch and b) read the books?
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Posts: 29
Post by zappo on Feb 8, 2021 7:02:12 GMT
I did. I think the finale was great, the only minor point being Alex's death comes a bit out of the blue, and the reaction of the other characters is a bit too quick. I get why, I wonder if the problem couldn't be solved any other way. But apart from that, it's good stuff all the way. Now I wonder what they're going to cut in order to fit the rest of the story in just one season.
Post by evileeyore on Feb 8, 2021 14:23:53 GMT
CONTAINS SPOILERS - PROCEED AT OWN RISKI did. I think the finale was great, the only minor point being ] comes a bit out of the blue, and the reaction of the other characters is a bit too quick. That comes down to the controversy occurring after filming wrapped. Apparently they got bad news from the investigative agency and decided to do the minimal reshooting to needed to resolve the situation A female showrunner came out against him almost immediately. I don't remember if she was an executive producer, writer, or lead film crew (or what), all I remember is when she came out railing at him, I was thinking "Oh shit man, even if you're proven innocent, she's gonna be a hard one to work with". Granted as allegations mounted and screen shot evidence of his behavior mounted, I figured he'd be out someway or another. Best "on the hard side" scifi we've had in a long time. I say "on the hard side" because you have to handwave the engines, wonder drugs, and alien magic goo... and now have to swallow that somehow people die within seconds of being spaced (I put that one down to "time constraints of tv"). [EDIT]This is me talkin out my ass. The writers and cast aren't talking about how season 6 will go at all.[/EDIT] Everything past book 6 will be cut. It's going to wrap the same as book 6 does, with them taking out Marco, resolving Mars, Earth, the Belt politically as "slightly more unified", and retaking Medina Station, leaving Duarte to be dealt with in 20-30 years if they ever want to come back and finish the story. My best hope? They make a quickie, 3-4 hour "made for tv" movie every 4-5 years to keep the cast together, allow them to age, keep control of the license, and keep interest alive and burning along for the eventual finale. Though that means the remaining cast have to a) survive, b) not get embroiled in any scandals, and c) be interested in that sort of long term project (which could interfere with them taking any other long term show projects). If they 'release' a quick movie every few years would allow them to do the shorts for Laconia, Strange Dogs, Auberon as well as continue shaping where the Sol System is and exploring other Sol System stories (or even other Gate Systems), ala Last Flight of the Cassandra, The Vital Abyss, etc. And it now occurs to me I never finished reading Auberon. I need to do that today.
Post by mustrumridcully on Mar 3, 2021 9:39:34 GMT
I watched, and enjoyed it. But I haven't read the books.